12 Animal Signs: A Look into the Chinese Zodiac

12 Animal Signs: A Look into the Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac, also known as Shēngxiào (生肖) in Mandarin, is a captivating aspect of Chinese culture deeply rooted in tradition and mythology. Comprising twelve distinct animal signs, each representing a different year in a twelve-year cycle, the Chinese Zodiac offers insights into personality traits, compatibility, and even predictions for the year ahead. Let's embark on a journey to explore these twelve unique animal signs and their significance.

Your zodiac sign can be found at the end of the article.

  1. Rat (鼠 - Shǔ): The Rat, the first sign of the Zodiac, symbolizes intelligence, adaptability, and resourcefulness. Those born under this sign are believed to possess a sharp wit and keen instincts.

  2. Ox (牛 - Niú): Representing hard work, determination, and perseverance, the Ox is a symbol of stability and reliability. People born under this sign are said to be patient, methodical, and practical.

  3. Tiger (虎 - Hǔ): Known for their courage, charisma, and strength, Tigers are natural leaders. Those born under this sign are often adventurous and possess a magnetic personality.

  4. Rabbit (兔 - Tù): The Rabbit embodies qualities such as gentleness, kindness, and sensitivity. People born under this sign are believed to be creative, diplomatic, and intuitive.

  5. Dragon (龙 - Lóng): A symbol of power, strength, and good fortune, the Dragon is highly regarded in Chinese culture. Those born under this sign are often seen as charismatic, energetic, and innovative.

  6. Snake (蛇 - Shé): The Snake represents wisdom, intuition, and transformation. People born under this sign are thought to be deep thinkers, skilled communicators, and adept problem solvers.

  7. Horse (马 - Mǎ): Horses symbolize freedom, independence, and a strong sense of adventure. Those born under this sign are often energetic, outgoing, and have a competitive spirit.

  8. Goat (羊 - Yáng): The Goat, or Sheep, embodies qualities of compassion, creativity, and harmony. People born under this sign are believed to be artistic, nurturing, and have a strong sense of empathy.

  9. Monkey (猴 - Hóu): Known for their cleverness, curiosity, and quick thinking, Monkeys are lively and adaptable individuals. Those born under this sign are often skilled problem solvers and natural entertainers.

  10. Rooster (鸡 - Jī): The Rooster symbolizes honesty, punctuality, and confidence. People born under this sign are often practical, organized, and have a strong work ethic.

  11. Dog (狗 - Gǒu): Loyalty, honesty, and a strong sense of justice characterize those born under the sign of the Dog. They are believed to be reliable friends and dedicated individuals.

  12. Pig (猪 - Zhū): The Pig represents kindness, generosity, and a love for life's pleasures. People born under this sign are often jovial, optimistic, and value close relationships.


The table of the Chinese Zodiac and corresponding birth years is as follows:

  • 鼠 (Rat):
    • 2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924
  • 牛 (Ox):
    • 2021, 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925
  • 虎 (Tiger):
    • 2022, 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926
  • 兔 (Rabbit):
    • 2023, 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927
  • 龙 (Dragon):
    • 2024, 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928
  • 蛇 (Snake):
    • 2025, 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929
  • 马 (Horse):
    • 2026, 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930
  • 羊 (Goat):
    • 2027, 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
  • 猴 (Monkey):
    • 2028, 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
  • 鸡 (Rooster):
    • 2029, 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
  • 狗 (Dog):
    • 2030, 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
  • 猪 (Pig):
    • 2031, 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935
